Every time I get another letter in the mail about data compromises potentially involving my information, it not only shows me how futile it is to try to protect my personal information, but that the compromises are usually the result of a known-vulnerable application, or a known-vulnerable piece of hardware. Known.
A Citrix Workspace vulnerability here, a MoveIT vulnerability there...
As a Sysadmin at heart, I can't help but wonder -
Do they not know what applications and hardware that they have in the first place?
Do they know, but don't know vulnerabilities that exist in them?
Or, do they know all of that but do not have the time nor inclination to properly remediate?
Lansweeper Hybrid can help with all three of those scenarios.
SCENARIO 1: From 100 devices to 100,000 - It's Not Hard to Know your stuff.
In a nutshell, install Lansweeper On-Prem, enter in your list of credentials, and scan your network. Watch as all of your endpoints, servers, switches, IoT devices, printers, and everything else populates your inventory, showing you everything you wanted to know with insanely detailed information. Now you know your Move-Its, your Citrix Workspace Clients, Linux packages, and anything else. No excuses now Mr. Hospital-System-That-Got-Breached-Due-To-MoveIT-Version. If ya'll had this, I wouldn't have gotten that latest letter and had my PHI stolen.
Here's all of your hardware, too, Mr. 3rd Party data provider to the hospital: Now you can't say you didn't know something was online or that you didn't know you had an outdated firewall that should have been decommissioned when you upgraded networks.
(Yes, I have a technology hoarding problem.)
Simply grab the provided linkID key, enter it in to Lansweeper Cloud, and instantly find your Vulnerabilities and Risks. Would MoveIT be in here, Mr. Hospital? Yep, sure would - and it would show you all the info you need to remediate it.
(OK, to my defense, the top one will be fixed as soon as I use Lansweeper On-Prem to kill open sessions of Chrome and have it update - and let's be real - I'm not a huge hospital system housing Petabytes of PHI)
SCENARIO 3: Want to Increase Your Security Posture? Arm Your Teams with Information to Do Their Jobs More Efficiently and Effectively.
This scenario consumes article after article on Lansweeper's website and blog posts - I will try to keep it short:
(Deep Breath):
Your Endpoint Admins knows every device and where they are at - and everything about them - including what isn't patched or updated.
Your SCCM/Deployment Admins now know too - and also what isn't checking in to their deployment system properly, or is missing the deployment agent or service - and can use Lansweeper Deployment as well.
Your End-User/Helpdesk support team knows everything about an end-user device, as well as all of the change history of every individual computer
Your Cyber Security Team knows all active vulnerabilities without intrusive scanning with an expensive vulnerability tool, every windows event log error, targeted file and registry keys - and so does your entire IT Team! No excuses!
Your Network Team knows every switch, router, and access point, along with what is physically connected to them
Your Operations Team knows exactly what is out of support, and needs refreshing with new equipment that's fully supported
Your Infrastructure Team knows every Server, Hypervisor, UPS, Switch, Firewall, Storage Device, and more, do effectively do their jobs administering them
And, most importantly, your bosses and executives know everything now as well! No more Secrets.
Having each team working properly is the BEST way to increase your security posture.
So. Hopefully you see now, that by simply going Lansweeper HYBRID, at like 2 bucks a device (or less), is a no-brainer and MUCH LESS expensive than the postage it costs to mail out all of those breach letters.
Jacob - Data Victim #23502929